Tuesday December 31, 2002 was a sad day for all who resided at the Crescent Village. The news of the passing away of Shenibhai, as he was popularly known, spread fast and the atmosphere changed to a somber one. Sadness was evident invoice of people talking about the death and many shed tears for this worthy member of our community. "Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi rajeun" was heard many time and many recalled his zest and kindness. On Tuesday and Wednesday evening the center was packed full to capacity with people who came to pay respect to Marhum and to convey sympathy to the family. Maulana Rizwi eloquently paid tribute and recalled his manner responses and the fact that until recently he was full of energy and working. Baqir Alloo, on behalf of the Tenants, Board of Directors and Management conveyed sympathies to the bereaved family. He said that Shenibhai was a father figure to the residents of the complex besides being honorary Resident A'lim of the Crescent Village Center. He presided effectively over all rituals and lead prayers including Eid prayers. He also mentioned the less known fact that he provided spiritual comfort to many of our brothers and sister. He was easily accessible and spoke in the language and the standard that thee caller would understand. Be it Istakhara, finding auspicious day, chapter of Qura'n or dua to be recited for various occasions or for calming the mind and worries or hastening recovery from sickness. The spiritual comfort that he provided was unique and this void is going to be felt for a long time.Mulla Mohamedhussein was born in 1931 in Zanzibar and was the eldest son of Mulla Ahmed Lakha Kanji who was an active leader, businessman and industrialist and an eloquent preacher with control over many language. He received his secular education in Zanzibar and studies religion under the tutorship of Agha Syed Najafi and Agha Syed Mehdi Shustari. He was fluent in English, Farsi, Urdu, Gujurati, Cutchi, Swahili and could manage to speak in Arabic as well. He was a focused man in his belief and had tremendous love of Ahlul-Beyt A.S. He was a Zakir who readily responded to request to recite majlis. Despite his advanced age he worked efficiently for our Toronto Jamaat office besides performing other duties like explaining Islam and Shia faith to non-Muslim students who visited our Bayview Center. He readily accepted to translate English articles for Ja'fari News into Gujurati. Recent articles in emasculate Gujurati were the product of his effort. Marhum was a leader of the Ja'fari Seniors Group and served as Chairperson for six years and continued to help in all manners after relinquishing the post. The seniors will remember him for a long time and will surely pray for his maghferat and rehmat. Let us all join in this prayer. His wife, a daughter, two sons and eight grandchildren survive him. Let us remember him with prayers that may Allah swt forgive his short comings and grant him a place in His Jannat in proximity of our Ma'sumeen - A'min.
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