Has cricket standard dropped dramatically? Is local cricket being devalued? And where do we go from here?

These I suppose are the questions some cricket fans may be asking as the Sunday League Championship is once more clinched by the dominant Union sports Club. According to a section of the public what makes Union hold sway over the current scene is not its superiority in real sense but lack of compatibility on the part of other teams and the deteriorating standard of our cricket.

This need not underestimate Union which has prevailed over the local cricket scene from the early seventies onwards when other teams boasted of players of the caliber of Bhamji brothers, Alloo Visram, Shamshu Alidina, Vasant Tapu, Suresh raval, Praful Mehta, Babu Chohan, Pranlal Divecha and Taher Amijee.

The championship may have evaded Union in the fifties and sixties but then the lads from Zanzibar were not there. Once the team was reinforced with the lads from Zanzibar the results started to show. In fact today Union is no more the force it once used to be. The exit of certain star players coupled with age toiling over its veteran players has made it a depleted force. Retired players are occasionally recalled to fill the gaps or players from Arusha’s ‘Kilimeru’ are flown out to participate in the major matches.

The presence of Arusha players consolidates Union  and that also creates a lot of fuss on the local scene. One of the reasons for Kilimeru players’ participation is to exhibit their cricket. Munir Sheriff’s style, Gulamraza Sheriff’s(Zimbo) fluency, Jameel Sheriff’s ability, Tahseel Sheriff’s speed or Raza Pyarali’s fielding does create an impact upon the public who thus realize that not only Daressalaam but also interior towns produce class cricketers.

 The Sunday league season provides the following thoughts as far as Union’s performance is concerned.

Most people would agree that the pitch at Coast Gymkhana is placid and generous to batsmen. A striking feature has been the failure of Union to record 300 runs in an innings or a century from any of its player while other teams managed a score of 300 or more runs on few instances and also registering eight centuries, an obvious result of the game having been extended to 60 overs. However, no team could score more than 200 runs against Union.

At the end of the season Union remained unbeaten with 200 points followed by Dar Cricketers with 166 points but losing 3 games in the process. Overall Union had an easy path but certain exciting moments deserve to be mentioned.

A seventh wicket partnership of 45 between Mahmood Rahim and Sajjad Lakha in the first round against Upanga when all the key batsmen had been dismissed proved decisive. Similarly against Coast Gymkhana in the second round Union were reduced to 59 for 4 when Mohamed Nathoo and Sajjad came to the rescue with a partnership of 115 runs.

In both the games against Daressalaam Gymkhana, partnerships worth 142 and 110 between Mohamed Nathoo and Amir Yusuf saved Union when it found itself in dire straits.

The oddity of the point system was felt in the first round when Coat Gymkhana and Dar Brotherhood were bundled out for the respective scores of 66 and 69 runs. Coast succumbed to the hostile attack of Amir Gulamhusain who took 6 wickets for 10 runs in his 10 overs. Indeed Amir’s departure is felt a lot by Union. Thus the matches finished off by lunch sessions and deprived Union of batting points. This is an outright penalty on a better team for losing the toss. A concrete solution by DCA in such instances such as introduction of bonus points will justify our points system.

As usual the encounters against Dar Cricketers provided the climax. In the first round the 80 runs partnership between Mohamed Nathho and Gulamraza Sheriff enabled Union pile up an unbeatable target. The highlight of Union’s innings was Nathoo’s thrilling 73 runs knock that actually decided the fate of the championship.

In the second round a pathetic batting display by Cricketers led to their downfall. Union seamers were boosted by the cool breeze and dried pitch after the previous day’s drenching. That also assisted the spinners but never loaded odds against the batsmen.

Individually Mohamed Nathoo with his tally of 583 runs at an average of 76.6 was Union’s highest contributor. Cricket is an everlasting learning process and Mohammed has built up himself into a real fine batsman. His 55 off 27 deliveries against Kinondoni included 2 sixes and 6 fours, and thrilled the crowd at Kinondoni.

Another notable feature of the season was the return to form of Amir Yusuf. It was his shrewd captaincy that prompted him to open Union’s innings. Runs may not flow from his bat but they do certainly accrue as he contributed 386 runs at an average of 38.6. He was well assisted by his opening partner, Iqbal Damji, who also played some fine innings and the two built up good foundation.

Bashir Tejani is such a graceful batsman but unfortunately he did not shine much with the bat. He bowled extremely well and emerged Union’s highest wicket taker with 24 wickets. His 5 for 21 wrecked Gymkhana for just 69 and demonstrated his skill at swinging the ball. He was well supported by Mahmood Rahim who bagged 23 wickets.

Kassim Bhimji has improved and restricted the flight in his delivery. He tops the bowling averages with a haul of 16 wickets at 8.75 runs.

Sajjad Lakha provided accuracy and control in his bowling but the immense haul of wickets that had characterized his earlier performances seems no more there. His batting revealed a dodged approach though of late he has regained his old touch.

The sad note of the season was the failure of Shakir Sherali. This is not to malign Shakir whose previous contribution shall always remain accountable. It is only hoped that it was one of those bad patches that occasionally befall a good cricketer.

During the 11 years since 1973 when Union had regained the Sunday league after 19 years it has won Sunday league 9 times, Saturday league 7 times(competition commenced 1975/76), Sunday and Saturday Knockout 4 times each(competition commenced 1976/77). Remarkable feat indeed! 




Last updated November 2007 Copyright © Abdulrazak Fazal 2007 - All Rights Reserved