Photos Scanned And Provided By:
Mohamed NathooP. O. Box 21795, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
The pictures were taken during the marriage of Akber Mashumu at the banda at his Malindi residence in Zanzibar in 1965. Top picture - From L to R : Akber Sivji, Sheni Jacksi, Mohammed Dungersi and Mohamed Nathoo.Bottom picture - Sheni Jacksi and Mohamed Nathoo |
Eid Celeberation Dinner organized by Ithnashery Union at the Boarding House in 1969. Top Photo: Standing from L to R : Rafiq Pirmohamed, Mahmood Nasser and Sheni Jacksi.Sitting from L to R : Yusuf Kabana, Muslim Jivraj, Murad Kermali, Mohamed Nathoo, Sadiq Champsi, Raza Kara and extreme right - Raza Virji. Infront : Gulam (White Cabs). Bottom Photo: Sitting from L to R : Muslim Jivraj, Murad Kermali, Mohamed Nathoo, Sadiq Champsi and Raza Kara. Facing the sitters Gulam(White Cabs). |
Sitting from L to R : Mohamed Nathoo, Ibrahim Fetty, Akber Peera, Murtaza Walji, Husein and Sikander Hasham.Standing from L to R : Murtaza Damji(Babura) and Abdulrasul(Chacha). |
After Kushali, sitting at Baraza Ya Osman Dar-Es- Salaam in 1970.From L to R : Mohamed Nathoo, Ibrahim Fetty, Sheni Jacksi and Liakat Khimji. |
From L to R : Sheni Jacksi, Kassim Kassam, Ibrahim Fetty, Kassamali Bhaloo and Mohamed Nathoo. |
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